Connect to HBase

The article describes possible ways to connect to HBase. You can use HBase shell, Phoenix, native and external HBase API. Additionally, it is possible to utilize a web interface to interact with HBase. See HBase UI overview.

HBase shell

HBase shell is a JRuby console available on each node of the HBase cluster. For more information, see Quick start with HBase shell and HBase shell commands articles.

Native API

HBase has a Java native API that provides programmatic access to Data Manipulation Language (DML). It allows you to perform CRUD operations on HBase tables. The article Use native Java API to connect HBase contains a code example. For full API member list, refer to the following link: User API Reference.

External API

You can access Apache HBase through non-Java languages and custom protocols in the same way as the native HBase version. ADH also includes HBase REST Server and HBase Thrift2 Server that can be added to a cluster as service components. For more information, see Use external API to connect HBase.


Apache Phoenix is a SQL query engine for Apache HBase. It is accessed as a JDBC driver, and allows you to query and manage HBase tables using SQL. For more information, see Connect to Phoenix.

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