Kafka actions

This article describes the main actions available for working with the service in ADCM.

To go to actions in the service, click on the cluster name on the Clusters page, open the Services tab, click on the actions default dark actions default light in the line corresponding to Kafka service and choose the desired action.

When you select an action, ADCM displays a dialog box to confirm your selection. In this dialog box, you can select the Verbose check box to view additional information about the execution of the action on the Jobs page.

Action confirmation
Action confirmation

To view the results of an action, go to Jobs and click on the name of the corresponding action or on its component.

Next, the page with the results of the action becomes available for viewing, where you can analyze errors if they occur.

Action result
Action result


The Check action checks the health of the service.

In Kafka, the Check action starts the creation of test topics and checks their availability on each of the hosts with Kafka Broker.


The Expand action expands the number of service instances in the established cluster. To expand the number of service instances, do the following:

  1. Set options for installing new instances of the service.

  2. Confirm your choice by clicking Next.

    Configuration to run cluster extension
    Configuration to run cluster extension
    Options for installing new service instances
    Option Description

    Disable SELinux

    Disable SELinux on added hosts. In order for this setting to take effect, after the Install operation is completed, you must restart the hosts manually

    Disable Firewalld

    Shutting down firewalld on hosts

    Install OpenJDK

    Installing java-1.8.0-openjdk package on hosts

    Set vm.swappiness to 0

    Disabling swapping on hosts

    Configure /etc/hosts

    Write added nodes to /etc/hosts on cluster hosts. It is recommended to disable this option if DNS is configured

  3. Add the required number of hosts for each available component.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking Run.


    When placing components on new hosts, it is necessary to place the System metrics Agent component of the Monitoring Clients service on the each new host.

    Installing service components for cluster expansion
    Installing service components for cluster expansion


The Shrink action reduces the number of service instances in the installed cluster. To reduce the number of service instances, do the following:

  1. Select which hosts hosting components need to be removed.

  2. Confirm the action by clicking Run.

Removing service components to reduce the cluster
Removing service components to reduce the cluster


The Restart action stops and then starts the service.


The Start action starts the service.


The Stop action stops the service.

Manage Ranger plugin

The Manage Ranger plugin action triggers the Kafka Ranger plugin activation to enable Kafka service authorization.

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